Each one wants to be lucky and rich to not depend on who. The abundance opens many doors, gives you confidence. To do this, all means are good, not prohibited by the law and morality. Important in the building of wealth – the perseverance and hard work, but sometimes something is bothering you, not enough good luck. For the attraction of all times and all cultures there have been special signs, rituals, amulets of luck. The greatest power have charms made with your own hands. Tell you about this: how to properly handle the finances, so that you are not to go and how to do a proper amulets for the money.
The concept of the amulet
We will follow modern interpretations of the values, because with the passage of time have changed. The amulet, according to the dictionary, is the object, the portable computer in the body, which has magical properties against diseases, the misery, and that attracts good luck. Synonym – talisman. The truth is, fully the values do not match. Amulet – specially made thing, and the pet can become any object that has for the teacher of special importance. To avoid confusion, we will apply in the same value.
The amulets in the money and the rules of use of

Their countless and the list is going to depend on the religion and culture that are interested in the country. In ireland – clover clover, in china – the toad, in the slavic culture of spoon, the sign of the flower of fern and other. Now some have blurred the boundaries of countries and cultures, therefore, it is not embarrassing to use a non-native of lucky charms. The question is: as a talisman to choose? You can also find tips of how to do with your hands the amulet, the offer to purchase already prepared ward to apply the characters of sign of the zodiac. Board's express anyone. Contact with the mage – advised talisman, that knows how to do and it has been proven that the ancient sages also are going to come from your experience, but this does not mean that the amulet is right for you. In the selection of the charms to follow the rules:
- You must choose the pet of the religion, which is more near, so that there was no contradiction;
- Listen to the intuition. It is necessary to disconnect the common sense, the mind and listen to the inner voice. Stay alone with them, keeping in the head the thought of luck. The image will result in the same;
- With the intuition simply in search of an amulet on the internet, the store and leave the choice in an elegant. This is one of the main rules – the pet must be the soul. Their desire to touch, caress and enjoy them. Found this means that he is going to work. Effective the symbolism is necessary to follow. It is possible that it is understandable only to you, but it is a matter of money and good luck there is to have in mind at the time of the election;
- There is the opinion that the strongest ward – made with their own hands. Of truth there, but do not forget that any thing is done by the will of its own, with light and ideas. You do not want or do not know – do not force the same;
- Take a gift amulets as possible and with total confidence in the good intentions of the person. Donated to the pet clean the salt. You can not take as a gift to an empty container, the empty wallet, empty the piggy bank. These objects initially programmed in poverty;
- In the attraction of money can help to red. You can apply the thread, it is a garment of clothing, accessories, decoration. Unable to determine the amulet that buy red purse.
- Effective, the pet can become an ornament. Choose the jewelry and the costume jewelry is not. Use currency symbols.
When you have chosen the amulet, it is necessary to solve to define your place. Depends on the type of pet. The decoration lead time of brushing. Small action figures, statues, carry on bag or in an inner compartment of the bag. Large figures placed in the house. Location choose for yourself. In the right place talisman, does not cut the eye and looks perfectly, making you move the thing. Amulets feng-the greatest place in accordance with the philosophy – in the area of money.
In the matter of the financial health plays an important role in the relationship of finance. No amulet does not work, if you do not comply with the rules of respect for the money:
- Or crease the money, does not take place. The place for the money – purse. Banks, boxes ideal, if there will be, and have not only placed, because I don't know where. Lead the portfolio is based on the bag and not put on the table;
- Use a large red or purse of gold;
- The money is stored in expanded form in the full length, not folded in half, four times;
- Remove the purse of the notes, checks, tickets. As for the pictures, many on here are, but this should not be done. In the portfolio only keep the bank cards. Discounts, business cards, and omissions must be removed and carried in a case;
- If the purse is broken – throw away;
- Account with money love. Periodically count cash;
- Banknotes and coins in set, not saved. Should of put the order and in the portfolio and saved;
- The money attracts the money. Don't miss out all to zero, even if it is expected the income. Always keep the large on the ticket of a dollar, that you can not waste money, better two, to bear fruit.
The order of things and of life – the success and peace of mind.
The runes as a talisman
Each rune, once the part of the scripture, now has a special meaning and magic to the action. To attract money, apply to the following brands:
- Fehu. Start rune on the financial question. In addition to this, it gives the power to the person to perform any type of purposes and achieve all the objectives.
- Hyères. The symbol of the remuneration for the work. The hard work will bring wealth.
- Otal. Means the property. Helps to get the support of influential people, that once they have intervened in his life.
- Dagaz. Indicates prosperity, perspectives, possibilities. If it comes to a important matter, the elevation, the use. She gives a positive result.
Apply the runes can be independently and in different combinations, depending on the apotropaic. You can buy them already prepared, you can apply for yourself, but remember that the registered in the plastic is not going to work. Use the natural materials. If you are going to put yourself, use natural dyes, preferably the ochre. In the metal of the runes lose. This pet should always keep to the teacher, to attract good luck and wealth.
Figures of animals and insects

Recall are the most common, which are used as lucky charms to attract money:
- Trokhpalaya toad. The talisman of wine, Feng shui, therefore, and must be applied to the rules. The toad should be kept in the mouth, a coin must be removed. For most actions of frog, must be placed close to a water source: the source, the aquarium, ideal for the water or clean the toad every day with a damp cloth;
- Elephant (with trunk up). Well as the suspension, but also the statuette in the form of an elephant looks relevant;
- The turtle. Another chinese symbol. The rules for use as toad;
- Bumblebee. Leads the rite. The first bumblebee must catch and live to plant in the portfolio. The corpse of the insect to take do not trust. The usual cruel and requires some skill. Replacement live insect – figure. It is of glass, jewellery, made by the hands of a thread. This has no value, it is necessary, so that it is always in the portfolio.
The most action they have lucky charms in precious metals or simply gold-tone.
Nerazmennyye tickets
This is not necessarily the ticket. The currency is also nice. The issue exclusively on the nominal. The greater the dignity of the tickets, the better. If desired, you can apply the money overseas, or anniversary gift. For greater effectiveness, keep them in a pocket of the purse, and to no one do not tell. If you have been given a bag of money, leave the content as Nerazmennogo.
Precious stones
A variation of the previous amulet. Carry your pet. Does not fit in the portfolio of sewing for the stone from the bag and store it in the bag. It is necessary that the stone was precious or semi-precious. Do not buy all cut with the stones, with them loads of energy. The ideal option is to find the nugget independently. Some claim that the most effective way – the emerald. Apparently, due to the green colors, but for yourself, you must choose the one that you like and in a way that warms in the hands.
Amulet to attract money with your hands
This pet reminds its owner, assumes the part of the energy. The amulet begins to work more fast and reliable the help in question of good luck in financial affairs. To mention some of the popular types. You can choose the one that you want.
Imperial currency
In fact it is the currency of a conspiracy. The history dates back to the first Russian emperor peter alekseyevich romanov. The monk of the trinity-sergievoy of the laura spoke to him the currency, after the prayers of the night. Since then, the emperor made many cases, in which he was joined by luck. This amulet began to wish each and every one, this refers not only to the common people, but also of the rulers, which in those times was in the trinity st. sergius laura. To make such an amulet may each independently of the rules:
- Select the appropriate currency. You can find advice from pick up on the way, but should not be done. The money involved in many of the rites, which end up echamiento further money. Where is the guarantee that you have collected are not such, with a strange negative. Not in vain, on found money says: "More to lose, that you will find it". We recommend you to take a commemorative coin, old, audit, although anyone.
- Wait for the night of the full moon.
- Put a coin in a piece of red cloth.
- Tie the thread color to green.
- Read the conspiracy of the wealth and the financial benefit. Of a single text, not. As in any conspiracy or of the prayer of the word should be the soul. Tell us about the problems, aspirations, dreams and perspectives.
- Hide the amulet in a hidden location.
Equip amulet of strength will help you to faith in him.
Cable magic
This amulet is called to attract money and good luck. He is as well:
- Take natural green thread, red, yellow and blue, which symbolize, respectively, wealth, the love, the health, the achievement of the objectives. Applied individually or in combination, depending on the area.
- Tile them warranty. In the form of braids, and can be something more beautiful. With due skill, can make marks, to represent the characters. Work preferably on a full moon.
- At the time of the hex of the mesh to visualize the desire. Remember that the clearer the image, the faster the dream will come true. Try giving more details, the experience, the action, the reaction of the family.
- Place the ankle of the left foot and wait for that luck, that will help you make a dream come true.
Cash cable is good not only with magic, the psychological point of view. The tissue helps to focus on the object of the desires, which extends towards the achievement of the objectives of the stages of calm.
The bag of herbs
It has been applied since long time ago as a pet. Among other things, the money from the bag can soothe the smell of herbs and a nice touch of contact. In addition to herbs there are placed the different things in function of the objectives. The rule of generation of cash of the pet are the following:
- Apply the money fabric color: yellow, green, gold, silver.
- Visualize the goal. Imagine that you are taking sudden wealth, imagine the emotion, the situation down to the smallest detail.
- Fill out everything that is associated to prosperity: the magnet, money, pearls, stones. The gypsies believe the wealth of the promise of feathers of birds. Plants use mint, sage, ginger, maple, acorns, oak leaves and bark, jasmine, rosemary.
- Tie yarn woven in the hair and leave it in the secret place.
Not worth telling about him and the show.
The money from the tangle of

There is an amulet in the personal and domestic. It is intended to bring good luck to all the people who live in the apartment. The rules of manufacturing are the following:
- Use green thread and the coin.
- The currency wrap the thread like a cocoon.
- Secure the ends.
- Hang an amulet above the entrance door.
In general, in terms of charm or rite, its efficacy depends on the faith of the person. Perhaps the magic in all of this does not exist, but the holder of the faith of believing in it, feeling with confidence, in a very difficult time not losing the hand and not fall into despair. Programming in luck a powerful psychological technique and things in this play a major role, as well as the rites.